I feel so cold
It consumes me, pushing me towards the brink of death.
But it’s worse than you think
Even though I’m cold, I’m not freezing to death
Not exactly…
Freezing to death is when
Your extremities, fingers and toes
The edges of your being
Become numb first
Where the parts you don’t really need
Are sacrificed for self-preservation
Before death permeates your body
And slowly floods through you.
No, this is a much more hopeless way of dying
Where the cold originates at the heart,
Piercing through the center, the core
Deep down, I have been dead this whole time.
As my extremities, my machinery, continue
To move under the guise of vitality
My silhouette outlining the echoes of dreams
That have long since lost their shape
This “living”, this puppetry,
My body orchestrated to function by a soulless algorithm
With movements as
Dull and rhythmic and steady as the beating of my heart
Like a metronome guiding a silent and eternal fugue
Keeping time until the cold
This pervasive, chilling, nothingness
Wishing it could be as inconsequential as mere fear
Emanates from the chest cavity
Spreading through my empty husk
Eating at me from the inside out
Finally rendering my limbs frozen